space biology

Preliminary Program of the 5th Russian European Summer Space School “Future Space Technologies and Experiments in Space”

August 20 - 30, 2008

Day number


First part of the day

Second part of the day

Social program



Aug. 20, 2008

(Conference hall)

Transfer from the airport to hotel and accommodation in the hotel



School opening ceremony

Presentation 1: SSAU as innovative university           (Prof. A.Prokhorov).

Presentation 2: SSAU international cooperation programs.                          (Prof. A.Danilin)

School participants presentations  

Ice-breaking Party



1 stage: Space tether systems: problems and future projects, the outlooks of YES2 tether experiment and SSAU experiment on "Foton-M3" in 2007  



Aug. 21, 2008

(Media Center)

Lecture 1: System analysis and navigation support of the tether missions                                 (Prof. I.Belokonov)

Presentation 2. Samara Center of Expertise of innovation projects and its role in realization of YES2 project on the spacecraft "Foton - M3"                                               (Prof. I.Belokonov)

Lecture 2: Simulation of tether systems motion before entering the dense atmosphere           (Prof.Yu.Zabolotnov)

Lecture 3: The choice of nominal control laws and the analysis of non-nominal modes of tether deployment                      (Prof. S.Ishkov)

Excursion of the old city and the Volga embankment





Aug. 22, 2008

(Media Center)

Lecture 4: Dynamics of recoverable capsules motion                                         (Prof. I.Timbaj)

Presentation 3: Samara in Space: the past and the present (Visiting the museum of aviation and cosmonautics)       (Mrs.N.Bogdanova)


Lecture 5 Motion simulation and descent trajectories dispersion of capsules in atmosphere                        (Prof. Yu. Zabolotnov)

  Presentation 4: History of engine construction development

(Visiting the historic center of aviation engines)              (Prof. V. Zrelov)

Theatre/concert/ museum




Aug. 23, 2008

(Depatments of aerodynamics and aircraft design and construction)


Lecture 6: Aerodynamics of recoverable capsules and draggingparachute system                (Prof. V.Shakhov, Dr. A.Ljaskin)

Seminar 1: Experimental determination of recoverable capsules aerodynamic characteristics                            (prof. V.Shakhov,  Dr. A.Ljaskin)

Lecture 7: Thermal designing of recoverable capsules              (Prof. St. Shustov)

Seminar 2: Visiting the laboratories of aircraft design and construction department





Aug. 24, 2008

Rest day - Cultural Program


2 stage: Methods and means of Earth remote sensing and observation



Aug. 25, 2008

(Depatment of geoinformatics)


Lecture 8: Earth observation: methods and algorithms of information processing                   (Prof. V.Sergeev)

Presentation 5 "Resource - DK1"» space vehicle for the Earth observation

Lecture 9: Earth radio-location sensing: features and application future                                          (Prof. O.Goryachkin)

Seminar 3: Practice of reception and processing of information from space: visiting the Volga Regional Center of Space Geoinformatics



Cultural program


3 stage: Scientific and educational small satellites and space experiments on microgravitational space platforms of "Foton-M"/"Bion-M" type



Aug. 26, 2008


Lecture 10: Space environment and debris: methods and means of its research                                    (Prof. N.Semkin)

Presentation 6: Project of small satellite ISRE                              (Prof. N.Semkin)

Presentation 7: Project of small Earth monitoring satellite              (Prof. V.Salmin)

Lecture 11: Satellite radionavigation as means of geophysical fields studying (Prof. I.Belokonov)

Presentation 8:The project of the small satellite of monitoring of geophysical fields                                      (Prof. I.Belokonov)

Sports competition

(SSAU sport camp “Poljot”)



Aug. 27, 2008

(Samara Space Center)

Visiting the Samara Space Center "TsSKB-Progress"

Visiting the museum of Samara Space Center

Visiting the rocket carriers assembly shop

Presentation 9: Program of development of family "Soyuz "rocket carriers, the project "Soyuz-Kourou";

Presentation 10: Scientific microgravitational space platforms Foton-M / Bion-M: opportunities, achievements and perspectives.

Presentation 11: Ballistic support of the "Foton/Bion" spacecraft flight and the role of ground control centre.

  Sightseeng tour





Aug. 28, 2008

Presentation 12: Scientific experiments on research of spacecraft “Foton-M2“ own outside atmosphere                     (Prof. N.Semkin)

Visiting the museum “Stalin’s Bunker”

Visiting SSAU airdrome



Aug. 29, 2008

(City Museum"Samara Space")  

Lecture 13: Research experiments on the International Space Station    (Russian cosmonaut)

Presentation 14: Scientific and educational program "Souyz"; on the third stages for nanosatellites orbiting and short-term experiments carring out
Prof. I.Belokonov)

Acquaintance with an exposition of a City Museum "Samara Space".  

School closing ceremony, delivery of certificates

Free time (Shopping)

Night boat trip



Aug. 30, 2008

Departure of the School participants  

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