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Program of the Russian - European Space School 2007

1st stage. 17-23 of September – “Organization and preparation of space experiments: work with scientific equipment on cosmodrome Baikonur before spacecraft launch”
2nd stage. 1-3 of October – “Micro satellites projects and space experiments
1 October  
Lecture 1 Samara in space. First vice general designer of Samara Rocket Space Center “TsSKB-Progress” Dr. A.V.Chechin
Lecture 2 Problems while carrying out scientific experiments on ISS. Ñosmonaut of Russian Federation A.I.Lazutkin
Lecture 3 International cooperation of Berlin Technical University in the field of micro satellites design and manufacturing. Scientific employee Aviation and Space Institute of Berlin Technical University D. Bogdanov
2 October Scientific reports of school participants on youth conference “Korolyov`s Readings”
3 October Visiting SSAU laboratories and Museum of Aviation and Cosmonautics
3rd stage. 22-26 of October. New technologies of natural resources research by means of aerospace methods. Professor V.I.Gridin, Oil and Gas Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences


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