Gagarin's Day - Summer Space School

Gagarin's Day

April 12, 2022 date of the first human space flight by Yuri Gagarin (Gagarin’s day).

Congratulations from the cosmonauts from the ISS

Conmemoración de los estudiantes Latinoamérica de la Universidad de Sámara por los 61 años del primer viaje espacial tripulado por el hombre


Yuri Gagarin: First Human Flight In Space (English)

The first human space flight (English)

Samara National Research University official video (English)

Samara National Research University – International programs and projects (English)

Visiting cosmonauts of the Space-Research department (Spanish)

Inter-University Space Research Department

Samara in Space (English)

Samara in Space (Russian)

Samara in Space (French)

Samara in Space (German)



