School program

The First week

Monday, 30 August


Registration of participants


Opening ceremony: greetings from organizers [main conference hall] 


Presentation. Summer Space School: past, present and future. Features and Goals of School-2021 / Professor I.V.Belokonov [main conference hall]

Lecture session #1 “Problems and Prospects of Deep Space Exploration”


L1. Problems of motion control and navigation of small spacecraft in interplanetary missions / Professor M.Yu. Ovchinnikov (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Science) (on-line) [main conference hall]


L.2 Two years manned flights beyond the Moon (L2 Lagrange point, Phobos, Jupiter satellites) / Professor Yves Gourinat (ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse University, France) (on-line) [main conference hall]





Lecture session #2 “Introduction to nanosatellite technologies”


L3. Introduction to the nanosatellite design / Dr. I.A. Lomaka
[media center, 408 – 15]


L4. Design of electronic subsystems for nanosatellites (part 1) / 
Professor I.A. Kudriavtsev [media center, 408 – 15]




Announcement of the group project work
[Museum of Aviation and Cosmonautics named after S.P. Korolev – build. 3]


Presentations of School participants 
[Museum of Aviation and Cosmonautics named after S.P. Korolev – build. 3]

Tuesday, 31 August

Lecture session #3 “Basics of nanosatellites motion”


L5. Orbital mechanics in mission analysis / Dr. D.P. Avariaskin
[media center, 408 – 15]


L6. Features of the nanosatellite dynamics in LEO / Dr. E.V. Barinova
[media center, 408 – 15]




L7. The complementarity man-robot in the missions and effects of scale in terms of space structures, observability and controllability / Professor Yves Gourinat (ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse University, France) (on-line) [media center, 408 – 15]



Practice session #1 (on groups)


  MatLab for mission analysis (part 1) [media center, 309, 310, 311, 312 – 15]



Practice session #2 (on groups)



Group 1
Assembly of nanosatellite and onboard systems function analysis

 [507 – 18]
Group 2
Operating of nanosatellites and the ground operating center [411 – 3]
Group 3
Inertial measurement processing
[505 – 18]
Group 4
of inertial characteristics
of nanosatellites 

[102 – 18]

Wednesday, 01 September

Lecture session #4 Space Navigation, Orientation and Control 


L8. Space navigation / Professor I.V. Belokonov [media center, 408 – 15]


L9. Methods and algorithms for nanosatellite attitude determination /
Dr. P.N. Nikolaev  [media center, 408 – 15] 




L10. Methods and algorithms for nanosatellite attitude control /
Dr. P.N. Nikolaev [media center, 408 – 15]



Practice session #3 (on groups)


   MatLab for mission analysis (part 2) [media center, 309, 310, 311, 312 – 15]





Group 1
Measurement of inertial characteristics of nanosatellites
[102 – 18]
Group 2
Assembly of nanosatellite and onboard systems function analysis
[507 – 18]
Group 3
Operating of nanosatellites and the ground operating center
[411 – 3]
Group 4

[505 – 18]

Thursday, 02 September

Lecture session #5 “Introduction to nanosatellite technologies”


L11. Design of nanosatellites electronic subsystems (part 2) /
Professor I.A. Kudriavtsev [media center, 408 – 15] 


L12. Software development for nanosatellite microcontrollers /
Professor I.A. Kudriavtsev [media center, 408 – 15]



Practice session #4 (on groups)


Group 1
Inertial measurement

[505 – 18]

Group 2
Measurement of inertial characteristics of nanosatellites
[102 – 18]

Group 3
Assembly of nanosatellite and onboard systems function analysis
[507 – 18]

Group 4
Operating of nanosatellites and the ground operating center
[411 – 3]



Lecture session #6 “Basics of Space Physics”


L13. The space environment and its impact on a spacecraft (part 1) / Professor Jordi L. Gutiérrez (Department of Physics, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
(on-line) [media center, 408 – 15]


L14. The space environment and its impact on a spacecraft (part 2) / Professor Jordi L. Gutiérrez (Department of Physics, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
(on-line) [media center, 408 – 15]



Practice session #5 (on groups)



Group 1
Operating of nanosatellites and the ground operating center
[411 – 3]

Group 2
Inertial measurement processing
[505 – 18]

Group 3
Measurement of inertial characteristics of nanosatellites
[102 – 18]

Group 4
Assembly of nanosatellite and onboard systems function analysis
[507 – 18]

Friday, 03 September

Technical tours

9.00-10.00 Presentation. Tests of nanosatellites; facilities and types tests [408 - 15]


Technical visit

Aviation engines history center
[207 – 14]
Nanosatellite testing center
 [102 – 18]


Technical visit

Nanosatellite testing center
[102 – 18]
Aviation engines history center
[207 – 14]




Excursion to the Museum "Samara Space"

Saturday, 04 September

Excursion. Visit to the Technology Museum in Tolyatti city

Sunday, 05 September

Excursion. Boat trip on the Volga river

The Second week

Monday, 06 September

Lecture session #7 Advanced nanosatellite’s missions 


L15. Tether system technologies and nanosatellites /
Professor Yu. Zabolotnov [media center, 408 – 15]


L16. Formation flight /
Dr. D.P. Avariaskin [media center, 408 – 15]




L17. Monitoring and tracking satellites and space debris using the electro-optical system / Ahmed Magdy Abdelaziz (National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Egypt) [media center, 408 – 15]




Presentation. Innovation education programs in space technologies of Samara University [media center, 408 – 15]


Organizing meeting for project teams
[media center, 408 – 15]

Project work in groups: mission analysis [media center, 309, 310, 311, 312 – 15]

14.45-18.00 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3  Group 4

Tuesday, 07 September

Project work in groups: mission analysis, the formulation of requirements to the composition and characteristics of the subsystems of nanosatellites
[media center, 309, 310, 311, 312 – 15]

9.30-11.00 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3  Group 4



Project work in groups: selection of onboard subsystems and payload of the nanosatellite [media center, 309, 310, 311, 312 – 15]

11.15-12.45 Group 1  Group 2 Group 3  Group 4



Project work in groups: modeling of the nanosatellites functionality
[media center, 309, 310, 311, 312 – 15]

14.00-15.30 Group 1  Group 2 Group 3  Group 4



Project work in groups: calculations of the power, link and mass budgets
[media center, 309, 310, 311, 312 – 15]

15.50-17.20 Group 1  Group 2 Group 3  Group 4

Wednesday, 08 September

Project work in groups: 3D simulation of a nanosatellite 
[media center, 309, 310, 311, 312 – 15]

9.30-12.30 Group 1  Group 2 Group 3  Group 4



Project work in groups: technology of assembling and testing
[media center, 309, 310, 311, 312 – 15]

14.00-17.30 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

Thursday, 09 September

Project work in groups: nanosatellite s life cycle analysis
[media center, 309, 310, 311, 312 – 15]    

9.30-12.30 Group 1  Group 2 Group 3  Group 4



Project work in groups: preparing of the presentations for defense
[media center, 309, 310, 311, 312 – 15]

14.00-17.30 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

Friday, 10 September

Project work in groups: presentation training
[media center, 309, 310, 311, 312 – 15]

9.30-10.30 Group 1  Group 2 Group 3  Group 4
10.30-11.30 Highlight lecture (to be determined) [media center, 408 – 15]
11.30-11.45 Break
11.45-12.45 Meeting with cosmonaut [media center, 408 – 15]
12.45-14.00 Lunch
14.00-16.00 Defense of projects [media center, 408-15]
16.00-17.00 Closing ceremony / Delivery of Certificates

Saturday, 11 September / Sunday, 12 September

Departure of Participants


10.50-12.20 Lecture 2. Design of electronic subsystems for nanosatellites (Introduction, part 1) (media center, 408).
12.20-14.00 Lunch.
14.00-15.00 Lecture 3. Introduction to SolidWorks: information technologies for the nanosatellite design (media center, 408).
15.00-16.00 Lecture 4. Introduction to Altium Designer software: information technologies of electronic subsystems design for nanosatellites (media center, 408).
16.00-16.10 Break.
16.10-18.00 SolidWorks software for the design of nanosatellites (413-3) / Altium Designer software for the design of electronic subsystems for nanosatellites (405/314-3A).

Wednesday, 22 August

9.00-10.00 Lecture 5. Features of the nanosatellite dynamics in LEO (media center, 408).
10.00-10.10 Break.
10.10-11.10 Lecture 6. MEMS sensors and actuators for nanosatellite attitude determination and control (media center, 408).
11.10-11.20 Break.
11.20-12.20 Lecture 7. The space environment and its impact on a spacecraft (part 1) (media center, 408).
12.20-14.00 Lunch.
14.00-15.30 SolidWorks software for the design of nanosatellites (413-3) / Altium Designer software for the design of electronic subsystems for nanosatellites (405/314-3A).
15.30-15.45 Break.
15.45-18.00 SolidWorks software for the design of nanosatellites (413-3) / Altium Designer software for the design of electronic subsystems for nanosatellites (405/314-3A).

Thursday, 23 August

9.00-10.00 Lecture 8. Methods and algorithms for nanosatellite attitude determination (media center, 408).
10.00-10.10 Break.
10.10-11.10 Lecture 9. Methods and algorithms for nanosatellite attitude control (media center, 408).
11.10-11.20 Break.
11.20-12.20 Lecture 10. The space environment and its impact on a spacecraft (part 2) (media center, 408).
12.20-14.00 Lunch.
14.00-15.30 SolidWorks software for the design of nanosatellites (413-3) / Altium Designer software for the design of electronic subsystems for nanosatellites (405/314-3A).
15.30-15.45 Break.
15.45-18.00 SolidWorks software for the design of nanosatellites (413-3) / Altium Designer software for the design of electronic subsystems for nanosatellites (405/314-3A).

Friday, 24 August

09.00-10.00 Lecture 11. Tests of nanosatellites; facilities, types and programs of tests (media center, 408).
10.00-11.30 Aviation engines history center / Nanosatellite testing center.
11.30-13.00 Aviation engines history center / Nanosatellite testing center.
13.00-14.00 Lunch.
14.00-15.00 The final session on the information technologies used in the design of nanosatellites (testing) (413-3/405/314-3A).
15.30-17.00 Excursion to the Museum "Samara Space".

Saturday, 25 August
Excursion. Visit to the Technology Museum in Togliatti.

Sunday, 26 August
Excursion. Boat trip on the Volga River.

Monday, 27 August

9.00-10.00 Lecture 12. Design of nanosatellites electronic subsystems (part 2) (media center, 408)
10.00-10.10 Break.
10.10-11.10 Lecture 13. Propulsion systems for nanosatellites maneuvering (media center, 408)
11.10-11.20 Break.
11.20-12.20 Lecture 14. The problems of nanosatellite cluster launching and the deployers for nanosatellites separation (media center, 408).
12.20-14.00 Lunch.
14.00-15.30 Lecture 15. Introduction to the software development for nanosatellite microcontrollers (media center, 408).
15.30-15.50 Break.
15.50-17.30 Round table: Problems and experience in the development of nanosatellites. Organizing of the project work in groups (media center, 408).

Tuesday, 28 August

9.00-10.30 Project work in groups: mission analysis, the formulation of requirements to the composition and characteristics of the subsystems of nanosatellites (Group 1 - media center, Group 2 - media center, Group 3 - media center, Group 4 - media center).
10.30-10.50 Break.
10.50-12.20 Project work in groups: selection of onboard subsystems and payload of the nanosatellite (Group 1 - media center, Group 2 - media center, Group 3 - media center, Group 4 - media center).
12.30-14.00 Lunch.
14.00-15.00 Lecture 16. Navigation of the nanosatellites (media center, 408).
15.00-16.00 Lecture 17. Tether systems in space (media center, 408).
16.00-17.30 Practice in groups: modeling of the nanosatellites functionality, calculations of the power, link and mass budgets (Group 1 - media center, Group 2 - media center, Group 3 - media center, Group 4 - media center).

Wednesday, 29 August

9.00-10.30 Operating of nanosatellites and the ground operating center (half of participants) (media center, 408) / Software development for microcontrollers (half of participants) (506-3A).
10.30-10.50 Break.
10.50-12.20 Practice in groups: 3D simulation of a nanosatellite, technology of assembling and testing (Group 1 - media center, Group 2 - media center, Group 3 - media center, Group 4 - media center).
12.20-14.00 Lunch.
14.00-17.00 Practice in groups: nanosatellite’s life cycle analysis (Group 1 - media center, Group 2 - media center, Group 3 - media center, Group 4 - media center).

Thursday, 30 August

9.00-10.30 Practice in groups.(Group 1 - media center, Group 2 - media center, Group 3 - media center, Group 4 - media center).
10.30-10.50 Break.
11.00-12.20 Operating of nanosatellites and the ground operating center (half of participants) (media center, 408) / Software development for microcontrollers (half of participants) (506-3A).
12.20-14.00 Lunch.
14.00-17.00 Practice in groups: preparing of the project presentations. (Group 1 - media center, Group 2 - media center, Group 3 - media center, Group 4 - media center).

Friday, 31 August

09.00-12.20 Practice in groups: Project work in groups, preparing of the project presentations. (Group 1 - media center, Group 2 - media center, Group 3 - media center, Group 4 - media center).
12.20-14.00 Lunch.
14.00-15.00 Lecture 18. Multi-agent technologies and their applications in space (209-3а).
15.00-16.00 Presentation of nanosatellite projects (209-3A).
16.00-18.00 Closing ceremony / Delivery of Certificates

1 September, 2 September

Departure of participants.